
Strange thought for the D-man

nothing really witty or thoroughly profound to say - no pictures of crap I'm consuming, or spam-babes or anything along those lines really.  

Just some odd thoughts about growing up as a only child.  There are so many perks to growing up sans siblings such as minimal intra-age chaos, and growing up with only adults around certainly brings the child up to speed quickly on life, now whether or not that's a good thing IS up for debate, but I liked it. there's that while idea that only children are more successful, smarter, get more attention from the parent so the child finds it easier to rise up to a higher level.  Speaking from the experience of raising two dogs, I know that Dog1 was give so much more attention, affection, training,vs the ghetto-dog who did get all the above, but with not as much focused intensity.  I guess the moral of the story is bifurcation really strips away intensity  - scattershot makes achieving singular goals that much more difficult.  

so, back to my weird thought - I believe I came out better for being an only one - essentially a human variant of Dog1.  I was appropriately raised to crush the enemy and destroy all those who stand in the way.  But sometimes, I have the thought that maybe it would have been better to be slightly watered down version of myself for the compromise of having someone else out there with my genetic code and unique brand of wiring running amok making trouble, causing chaos who kinda gets where I come from.  of course, my sibling would probably be some form of revolutionary psycho bombing places and smoking crack - either that of a weenie straight-laced neocon wannabe. or worse yet, they might be the average Joe-Six-Pack.  Damn, I'm not sure which is worst!  

Moot point I suppose, I'm certainly not getting a genetic equivalent of  a brother or a sister @ this point in life. perhaps that's probably why people breed - knowing that someone, somewhere is kinda sorta like you.  

lemme cap this off with a video that kind calls out what I'm feeling as it kinda reminds me of growing up.  

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Blogger Less said...

You know, growing up with an oder sister who was never there was pretty interesting too... My folks had pretty much given up on making me "conform" by the time I hit high school. Anything that I coulda done, she'd done it already. Very liberating to follow in her foot steps.

In some ways I feel though I am an only child, though. She left when I was 5 and never really came home - 3 years in high school was about all. That said, it's been very interesting to get to know her because she is very Swiss and I am most def. NOT.

What I find really difficult to sort out is the chaos and the way the wife was raised; all those siblings, constant chasing-your-ass to clean or cook or whatever, and no unison in what the family is doing etc. That, I cannot get used to.

If we ever have a kid, I'm going to make sure we have only having one. That and I'm homeschooling the little dope.

12:00 PM  
Blogger /dn said...

strong words indeed! methinks you just doomed yourself to have triplets the 1st time around!

8:33 PM  

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